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Here you can find a list of some of the major research works I have done during my graduation and post-graduation. Some of my long-term research interests and current projects are also there!


Illustration by KM Adila Farisa

Ecology of overwintering tadpoles in montane streams
Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun (2019-present)
Anuran larvae | Habitat Ecology | Behaviour | Conservation


When it comes to the diversity of habitats, extreme environments like the winter season in montane forests, amphibians follow a different strategy. We can see tadpoles hiding in the muddy bottom of pools when the temperature is too low during the winter season; sometimes even frozen streams and ponds. This phenomenon is called ‘overwintering’. It is a common phenomenon in the northern hemisphere, where they will see frog and salamander larvae under frozen ponds and pools. Overwintering happens in other animals too. Invertebrates, especially pathogens have been extensively studied along with a lot of aquatic organisms including salmons.


I undertook this study as part of my Master's thesis at the Wildlife Institute of India under Dr. Abhijit Das and Dr. J.A. Johnson. The study focused on understanding the habitat ecology, behavioural ecology, and variation in morphological traits of the tadpoles in the anthropogenically altered montane stream. As part of the work, we are also developing habitat suitability criteria for the tadpoles in the stream.


Illustration by Adhil Latheef

Women’s Career Pathway in Chemical Sciences; a Multi-stage Investigation in Kerala, India
Funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (2020-present)
Gender | Science Career | Education | Policy

Through this project, we are exploring the career pathway of women in the Chemical Science field of Kerala, from a primary school student to their present career stage – to find evidence on barriers to inclusion based on gender along with the atmosphere of family, society and academia. The project aims to identify critical factors that are moulding women to choose and continue a career in Chemistry.


The project is in collaboration with Mr Mohammed Jasil P. (Department of Chemistry, The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Tamil Nadu), and funded by Inclusion and Diversity Awards, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK (May 2020).


Illustration by Jithin V.

Phytoextraction of Aluminium using Humped Bladderwort - A Preliminary Study
Farook College, Kozhikode | University of Calicut (2018-19)
Wetland Ecology | Botany | Phytoremediation | Biomonitoring

For my Bachelor's project work, I studied phytoremediation of aluminium (Al) metal by an aquatic plant Humped Bladderwort, Utricularia exoleta. This preliminary study was aimed to generate a primary dataset of the metal accumulation efficiency, biomass change and relative growth rate as a measure of plant growth. The study provided primary insights into the biomonitoring application of the locally available plant species for further field-based studies and phytoremediation activities.


Natural History Documentation
​Nature | Ecology | Behaviour | Fieldwork

During fieldwork, a trek in the mountains, between a survey or even from the backyard we can stumble upon 'curious' observations. Most of them will lead to a quick foray into the literature and you find that it is a new observation, or a speculated but non-documented natural history moment. I enjoy writing about them, photographing and researching about them. Natural history observations often lead to new ecological research, some of them crucial in understanding the species biology and helping in the habitat or species management.


Here I present some of such moments documented by me, with a scientific understanding.

Illustration by KM Adila Farisa

Illustration from WIX

Mobile Phone
Watercolor Butterfly 18
Media & Communication in Ecology
​Nature | Documentary | Review | Communication

Media have a huge influence on our lives. How we understand nature; and appreciate research and conservation efforts often rely upon the way media represents them accurately and interestingly. This is one of my favourite areas of interest. I review documentaries, short films and other media products depicting ecology, conservation and natural history. Apart from that, I am interested in experimenting with the writing style and use of various media (graphics, short videos, illustrations etc.) for such communications. 'Myristica' was one such experiment I did during my undergraduate studies at Farook College.


My goal through this project is to improve science communication in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. Understanding the influence of technology and media on environmental awareness is the other side of the aim.


Write to me at, if you are interested in any of the above works or collaborating in my own projects! This page is not up to date. Check out later for more details.

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